Active Projects

HART Route #1 Fare-Free Pilot Program

We welcomed councilwoman Lynn Hurtak and Manager of Community Engagement for HART Donny Murray at our February general meeting and they shared information regarding the new fare-free pilot program.

They provided a breakdown of what this project brings to our community if you want to learn more about it, take a look at the presentation they shared with us or be sure to follow HART on on their platforms.

Instagram: @transitnowtampa


TNTB email contact: or

HART Social Media:

HART Emails:

In May 2021, City Council approved a rezoning for roughly half of the Tampa Housing Authority's West River project. Tampa Housing Authority did not conduct any public notice or send "Good Neighbor Letters" to surrounding neighborhoods. Within this large rezoning were plans for a new grocery store at the corner of N Boulevard and W Main Street. While not in Tampa Heights' boundaries, it is right across the street from Blake High School (which the City classifies as Tampa Heights) and across the river from our southwest quadrant. Having an additional grocery store (likely Publix) within close proximity to Tampa Heights will be a major asset. However, there are serious pedestrian and bicycle access problems with the plan that went unchallenged by the City. Upon learning of them in June 2021, THCA has been advocating for changes so that our residents can safely access this store.

Read our analysis document here

Floribraska Ave. Complete Streets & Road Diet

This project provides for reconfiguring the existing 4-lane undivided roadway to a complete street with two (2) 10-feet travel lanes separated by a two-way left-turn center lane plus an on-road bidirectional cycle track, with a raised separator on the southern side of the road. The proposed improvements also include wider sidewalks, raised pedestrian refuge islands, and crosswalks at the intersections of both Jefferson St. and Central Ave.

Read the presentation provided at our Virtual General Meeting in June here.

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HART Transit Oriented Development Study, Streetcar Extension, & Bus Rapid Transit

Tampa Heights has always been one of Tampa’s most transit rich neighborhoods and with the passing of All For Transportation and a renewed focus on public transit, we are on the edge of a transit renaissance. HART is leading the charge and our neighborhood is largely covered under a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Study as well as will be serviced by the upcoming Street Car Extension and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT).

TOD (Share your input)

TECO Streetcar Extension

HART Bus Rapid Transit

Tampa Heights Riverfront CRA Update

Recently Professor Trent Green presented at our March 27th general meeting discussing updates to the Tampa Heights RIverfront CRA.

You can find the presentation he provided here:

Tampa Heights Riverfront CRA Plan Update

In addition, the link to our General Meeting zoom recording can be found on our youtube channel here:

Be sure to come to our monthly meeting to stay up to date and reach out to us via email or social media if you have any questions or suggestions.

FDOT Downtown Interchange Open House

Recently FDOT hosted an open house regarding the Downtown Interchange (DTI) on March 7, 2024. You can find the link to the project/open house slides here:

FDOT DTI Construction Open House Display Boards.pdf (

In addition, there is a five minute video summary you can view here:

The pdf link below depicts the possible layout of the Tampa Heights Community Space south of Palm Ave and the intended DTI lane movements on I-4 and I-275:

FDOT DTI Construction Open House Display Boards.pdf (

Robles Park Village Redevelopment

Robles Park Village has provided Tampa Heights a public housing option and served Tampa for decades. While the facilities have aged over time, we are encouraged by the dedication from the city and housing authority to better serve its residents with quality and safe homes, the opportunity to encourage financial well-being and a path to homeownership without displacement, a walkable neighborhood that includes transit oriented development, retail and grocery, and honors the history of Zion Cemetery and generations of those who have called this area their home.

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