Zoning & Development
The Tampa Heights Civic Association requests that applicants for Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Rezonings, Variances, Design Exceptions, ARC Certificates of Appropriateness, and other land use changes contact the Executive Board immediately after filing an application or three months prior to the public hearing, whichever is earlier. This is due to the large volume of real estate development in Tampa Heights and previous experiences with late public notice that have been detrimental to adequate public engagement in the political process. Should an applicant fail to engage THCA in advance as requested, the Board reserves the right to outright oppose the application and any requests for continuances.
Historic District
Tampa Heights Historic District
Much of Tampa Heights has the prestigious claim of being on the list National Register of Historic Places. While our entire neighborhood has historic roots, a portion of Tampa Heights has met standards that includes a stock of historically contributing structures & being of an era of historic significance which provides protections to this district from remodeling, development, & modifications that are out of place for the area.
Tampa Heights Historic Guidelines
The Tampa Heights Design Guidelines are used as a general guide by the Architectural Review Commission when reviewing construction activities within the districts. These guidelines apply to new construction, renovations, fencing, driveways, and more.
Tampa’s Historic Plaque Program
Owners of buildings that are designated as being historically significant have the opportunity to purchase a bronze plaque in recognition of the building's historic value. These plaques are being offered to promote public appreciation and civic pride in our community's history. The use or maintenance of your property is in no way restricted by displaying the plaque.
Neighborhood References
2003 Neighborhood Plan
Tampa Heights was the first Neighborhood in Tampa to have a Community Plan that was approved by City Council and that was in 2003. This was a huge effort and it provides us a guide for future planning considerations.
Opportunity Zones
3 of 4 quadrants in Tampa Heights are considered a Federal Opportunity Zone. These are communities where new investments, under certain conditions, may be eligible for preferential tax treatment. We encourage local entrepreneurs and business leaders to consider Tampa Heights and our valuable commercial corridors for their next location.
Tampa Heights Riverfront Community Redevelopment Area
Tampa Heights Riverfront’s close proximity to Downtown makes this redevelopment area a prime location for redevelopment investment. Ulele restaurant is now serving delicious native inspired meals in the renovated Water Works building, and Water Works Park is attracting visitors from throughout Tampa Bay. Located just a short distance along the Hillsborough River and the Tampa Riverwalk from the David A. Straz Performing Arts Center, the Tampa Museum of Art, the Glazer Children’s Museum and the Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park, Tampa Heights Riverfront is destined to become a premier waterfront community.
Neighborhood Philosophy
New Urbanism & Form-Based Code
The City continues to modernize its land development codes by incorporating New Urbanism and Form-Based Zoning concepts to promote urban redevelopment. These concepts are designed to go beyond land use to address not just the physical form of buildings but also surrounding streets, blocks, and public spaces in order to create, protect, and revitalize sustainable communities. The Seminole Heights Form-Based code was adopted March 2011 with the rezoning effort approved in Spring 2012. The concentration of new growth within the existing core reduces infrastructure needs, increases walk-ability and use of public transit. Visions Plans have been designed for historic Seminole Heights and 40th street neighborhoods towards this effort.
City of Tampa Community Planning Through Form-Based Code Program
On April 14, 2016, Tampa City Council requested a presentation on the Tampa Heights Community Plan and on the actions needed to update that plan. During that discussion, Mike Callahan/City of Tampa Planning Urban Design went on record stating that Tampa Heights would the next neighborhood with a community plan (with a regulatory structure)
Video Presentation
Boulevard Tampa
Over the years, the Tampa Heights Civic Association has hosted and supported the Josh Frank’s Boulevard Tampa Vision. This proposal would replace the 11-mile stretch of I-275 north of Downtown Interchange with a robust transit, commercial, & residential spine through the center of our city. This plan would return acres of land to transit oriented development to go towards affordable housing, reuniting our historic neighborhoods, and providing an investment that would benefit our neighborhood’s health, property values, and quality of life.
2021 SW Quadrant Park Plan
The City of Tampa has proposed to regulate parking in the southwest quadrant of Tampa Heights (area bounded by Palm Ave, Tampa St., N Blvd, and Columbus). The goal is to alleviate parking difficulties encountered from Armature Works patrons. The City has proposed to restrict park to one side of each street. Use the link below to view the map of the proposal. Please email THCA with your feedback.